Y225 【乾いた音と感触を楽しむ時間でした】
Creator:Fetish LAB.
Scene time:00:14:56
Price 1550yen

"【It was time to enjoy the dry sound and feel.】(Hinata comment:The other day, I cleaned out the barn with my grandmother. At that time, I came across some peanuts that I don't know how many years ago they were. The peanuts were discolored. Her grandmother said she couldn't eat it anymore and would throw it away. I had it given to me. Then I put on my high heels and crushed it to pieces. The peanuts were old and very dry. I really enjoyed the crispy sound and feel of it. We also enjoyed the fragrant scent.)(Hinata comment:This is the 5th installment of the series, which is divided into likes and dislikes for the 10th anniversary of Yuu Hinata. If you don't like it, please go back. As I mentioned earlier, this story is a depiction of a person in a hurry ^^ The spats were so clingy that it felt soft as they got wet!)"
【마른 소리와 느낌을 즐기는 시간이었습니다.】(히나타 코멘트 : 요 전날 할머니와 함께 헛간을 청소했습니다. 그때 몇 년 전인지 모르는 땅콩이 나왔습니다. 땅콩은 변색했다. 할머니는 더 이상 먹을 수 없기 때문에 버린다고 말했습니다. 나는 그것을 양도했다. 그리고 하이힐을 신고 가루에 밟아 버렸습니다. 땅콩은 낡았고 매우 건조했습니다. 파리 파리에 마른 소리와 느낌이 매우 즐거웠습니다. 고소한 향기도 함께 즐겼습니다.)
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